
  • Desert Grave

    A road trip through the desert. A failed attempt to save his marriage. An abandoned gas station. A man in a black trench coat standing in the desert heat. And now, his wife is missing. Darren Miller is short on time as he races to find his wife, face his past, and learn the truth of what brought them to the desert grave.
    Available on Amazon.

  • Looking In His Eyes

    He was there when the infant sons were slaughtered in Bethlehem. His blade severed the head of John the Baptist. He served in the Roman Army with the Centurion whose servant was healed. He watched the temple guards beat a defenseless Jew. Yet he knew not the common thread connecting these events until he escorted Jesus to the crucifixion. As he looked into His eyes, his life was changed. Available on Amazon.

  • Suffering Madness

    In 33 A.D., they possessed a man with such strength no mortal could subdue him. They were cast into pigs to be drowned and sentenced to the Abyss. After holding a grudge against mankind for almost 2000 years, what would happen if they were released? A serial killer feeds their hunger, but is he pawn or partner? Eric Shayman can match their strength, but is he a tool or a trick? The legend of Legion lives. Available on Amazon.

  • Not Who I Want To Be

    The way we see ourselves is naturally influenced by the world around us. To find the image by which we were created takes deliberate effort and focus. We will not accidentally stumble upon our true selves unless we go looking, unless we search diligently, and unless we sift through the counterfeit images and false masks cloaking our real identity. Being real, genuine, or who we are called to to be is not a destination; it is a lifestyle. This non-fiction book by Glenn Sasscer explores this process. Available on Amazon.